prestige park ridge (ridgeprestigepark)
Prestige Park Ridge is a new residential launch by Prestige Groups. The site hosts tall towers hosting 1, 2, and 3 BHK high-rise apartments. Get set to live in a premium property with the best homes at the best location. Presenting Park Ridge that leads your way to your happy spaces at Bannerghatta Road in South Bangalore. The flats are offered in a variety of sizes and price ranges. The site flairs a life and lifestyle filled with affluence and serenity.
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Prestige Park Ridge is a new residential launch by Prestige Groups. The site hosts tall towers hosting 1, 2, and 3 BHK high-rise apartments. Get set to live in a premium property with the best homes at the best location. Presenting Park Ridge that leads your way to your happy spaces at Bannerghatta Road in South Bangalore. The flats are offered in a variety of sizes and price ranges. The site flairs a life and lifestyle filled with affluence and serenity.

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